healing expert in dehradun


Astrology is the study of celestial planets.It’s a perfect science,if one has mastered it.

tarot card reading services

Tarot Reading

Tarot is a bundle of cards originally started in Italy around 600

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tarot card reading services

Money & Abundance

Money and abundance can be attracted by law of attraction.means one

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Money & Abundance

Cosmic Intelligence Plus

The Cosmic light is the root of our being, from atoms to consciousness, and

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Astrological & Reiki Centre

Dr. Verma Astrologer

I am Dr.Saanjiv.Kr.Verma (Ph.D. Astro) Astrological & Reiki Centre. I belong to Dehradun, Uttaranchal a lovely hilly city in north India.I am working on K.P. ASTROLOGY SYSTEM,(The Stellar Astrology) which is more scientific and accurate. I have chosen the field because of my interest and aim to cure people with therapy like Reiki & Gems. I heal my patients from their disease and pain by these therapies.And we are the best horoscope consultation in dehradun and also provide online astrology consultation in Dehradun. It is a divine work and every time I heal pain of people, it gives me a satisfaction. In these years I have helped people and also educate the students, people who want to learn these cure therapies. I always aimed to spread my knowledge and help others, which I have done successfully for 1000’s of people with 100% satisfaction.

The aim of this website too is to spread this knowledge and help people. Internet is the best technology to broadcast, interact with people who are looking for right information and I hope my website will help and make me connect with people who are in need of these services.

Choose Your Zodiac Sign

  • Leo
  • 15 aug -15 sep

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